Patience, grasshopper

The Israelites faced a pivotal moment at the edge of the promised land. They had spent years in the wilderness headed to this paradise. But anxiety crept in as they heard reports the giants across the border. “Next to them, we are like grasshoppers!” was the newspaper headline. (Numbers 13)

Here’s the thing about anxiety: it almost always has reason on its side. The Israelites were totally correct in their assessment — they were outmatched. But they were also totally wrong. Wrong in thinking that this was ever on them! Isaiah 40 reminds us:

“Do you not know? Have you not heard … The Lord sits above the circle of the earth. And all its inhabitants are like grasshoppers.”

The Israelites had a right read on the situation, but they had forgotten the God who laughs at the odds.

This message is a comfort to our church leadership as we plan for the upcoming year. At times, things can feel a little grasshopper-y. Shoestring. Insignificant. But despite our perceived smallness, the One who sustains the universe has drawn us together. Left to our own devices, we wouldn't last till Christmas. But God delights to use our weakness as testament to the immensity of His power. He invites us to trust in his abundance as we look to 2024 and beyond.

Questions for reflection

  • Is there a situation in your life where rational thinking leads to hopelessness? What would it look like for God to defy the odds?

  • What practical steps can we take to embrace God's plan with trust and confidence despite our perceived limitations?


“Letsago!” From shadow to substance