Prepare Him Room: Advent 2024 Tech Fast

Advent is upon us! Which means Christmas is right around the corner. I know I can't be alone in feeling like this is the *craziest* time of year. So busy. So much to do. So little time for rest and reflection. Usually by the time Christmas gets here I feel like a deflated balloon drifting over the finish line. 

BUT this is not what Advent is meant to be! Historically, Advent has been a season of expectant waiting and preparation for the arrival of Jesus- his arrival in our hearts, his arrival in Bethlehem, and his arrival at the second coming. Christians practice Advent traditions in the hope of "preparing him room" before he comes. 

We want to try a new practice this year as a church family, in order to make some of that room in our hearts during Advent- a technology fast

The Why: Our phones (and other technology) aren't bad things. But they are definitely distracting things. We really believe that taking a step back from our phones during Advent will create space for us to hear and see God at work during this special, expectant season. 

The How: This is not meant to be mandatory, and everything listed here is optional. We all have different relationships with our tech, so everyone's fast will be different. Here are some ideas. Spend the next couple weeks leading up to Advent thinking about what changes you can make to your relationship with tech that will create the most space in your head and heart. 

  • Delete all "non-utilitarian" apps from your phone. For example, social media, email (gasp! 😳), podcasts, YouTube, Reddit, etc. Anything that has the possibility of doom scrolling or creating figurative "noise".

  • Turn your phone to grayscale. There's some good research on how helpful this can be in helping you turn your eyes back to the real world.

  • Designate a phone-free day each week. Put your phone in the closet and leave it behind for the day. (You'd be surprised how freeing this is!)

  • Put your phone away during communal "home time". For example, put your phone away when you get home from work and don't pick it back up until after the kids are in bed, etc.

  • Turn off ALL notifications 

  • Move your apps off your home screen - out of sight, out of mind.

  • Limit or eliminate TV viewing 

As we create this space away from our phones, ideally we'd be using that space and time to seek the Lord. Talk a walk in nature, read a daily Advent devotional, spend some old fashioned time in your Bible, prayer walk, meditate on truth, tap into your God-given creativity, spend some time in silence and solitude, etc. 

Obviously there is no pressure to participate at all! But we wanted to extend this option to the congregation because we thought it could be such a cool thing to do in community (less FOMO when other people are participating, more encouragement when you're not alone, etc). 


contributing author: Lila H.


Lightbulb Moment


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