
Here at Hope, we covenant together in church membership. That word covenant is rich with biblical meaning, but it’s basically a promise: we promise to be there for one another and to reflect God’s Kingdom through relationships defined by the gospel.

Our Church Covenant

Having been born again by the Spirit of God and drawn to faith and repentance in the Lord Jesus Christ, we now, relying on God’s grace, enter into covenant with one another as Christ’s body:

As Jesus’ followers, we will seek to magnify the cross of Christ in all that we do, trusting God’s grace for salvation and renewal, and we will orient our lives around God’s revealed Word, studying the Scriptures privately and corporately. 

As brothers and sisters, we will love one another in true Christian fellowship, caring for one another, admonishing one another, praying for one another, bearing each other’s burdens, and seeking the things that make for unity, purity, and peace.

As members God has joined together in a body, we will live joyfully by active participation in the life of the church, seeking to use our spiritual gifts in God-honoring ways to build up the body, and giving cheerfully to the support of this church’s ministry.

As Christ’s ambassadors, we bear witness to the good news of the gospel in word and deed, welcoming all with the peace of Christ.

As sheep led by the Good Shepherd, we will accept the spiritual guidance of this church’s leaders, following them as they follow Christ, and holding to this church’s statement of faith as a trustworthy summary of biblical teaching.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.

Interested in learning more? Join us for Hope 101, a class on our history, mission, and values.